Lilia Thomas

Lilia Thomas is primarily an English sporting shooter but also enjoys game and rifle shooting. Introduced by her father, shooting offers her a community that fostering growth and friendships.


Lilia Thomas, a budding left-handed shooter from Somerset, has been honing her skills in the field for a little over two years now. Her primary focus lies in English sporting, though she dabbles in game shooting and has recently ventured into rifle shooting as well.

Her introduction to shooting was through her father. What started as tagging along, soon turned into a regular pursuit. Lilia finds solace and excitement in the countryside landscapes and the precision required for each shot.

Beyond the technical aspects, shooting has introduced Lilia to a large community of supportive individuals. She enjoys that the sport helps everyone to make connections and allows everyone to draw inspiration from fellow enthusiasts. For her, shooting isn’t just a hobby; it’s a shared passion that fosters growth and new found friendships.


  • Lilia’s drive and talent has been recognised by shooting brands and gun shops alike who have offered her ambassador possitions and sponsorships