SWATCOM’s Collaboration with Finishing The Dream

SWATCOM’s Collaboration with Finishing The Dream

On 14 March 2024, in Dover, UK, Geoff Holt MBE DL, a quadriplegic adventurer, announced his ambitious voyage to celebrate 40 years in a wheelchair. Geoff has dedicated his life to providing access to the sea for all disabled individuals and aims to demonstrate that...

Safeguarding Auditory Health in Sports

Safeguarding Auditory Health in Sports

Tinnitus, commonly known as "ringing in the ears," poses a significant risk to sports enthusiasts and athletes worldwide. While often associated with age-related hearing loss, it can also stem from exposure to loud noises during sporting activities. We will discuss...

Women in Sport

Women in Sport

At SWATCOM, our commitment to inclusivity and equality drives us to support everyone, irrespective of gender. We take pride in the fact that over a third of our SWATCOM Network, comprising Ambassadors, Athletes, Organizations, and Teams, are women. This achievement...

Shooting Ear Plugs That Allow You To Hear Conversation

Shooting Ear Plugs That Allow You To Hear Conversation

In the realm of shooting sports and activities, protecting your hearing is of critical importance due to the dangers of permanent hearing loss. Yet, traditional ear protection often comes at the cost of communication and situational awareness. For that reason,...

Scaling New Heights: Blind Climbing with Jesse Dufton

Scaling New Heights: Blind Climbing with Jesse Dufton

Meet our Sponsored Athlete, Jesse Dufton. You may already know him as the first blind person to lead climb the Old Man of Hoy. This gained him a Guinness World Record and was the focus of Alastair Lee’s multi award-winning documentary ‘Climbing Blind’. Impressively,...